CNT celebrates its 10th anniversary in the Coal Mill in Libčice

An interesting and informative programme in Prague was followed by a visit to the Coal Mill in Libčice, where the public part of the three-day CNT/INTO programme in the Czech Republic took place on Thursday 22 June 2023 – the final meeting of the Erasmus+ project team, the INTO management meeting and a public workshop […]

International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) held its annual board meeting in Prague

Members of the INTO Board of Directors, together with the Erasmus+ project team, started their three-day stay in the Czech Republic as guests of CNT. Part of the stay was dedicated to the annual INTO board meeting, which brought together 12 members from different parts of the world.

Open Gardens Weekend

Over 100 visitors visited the Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Memorial in Zdislavice during the Open Gardens Weekend on a Sunday afternoon in June. They were captivated by the peaceful and beautiful place as well as by the story of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Petr Hudec, a lecturer and our wonderful volunteer, guided the visitors around the grounds. […]